Rice University Lecture Notes (Mathematics and Physics)

Jan. 13, 2024

Spring 2024: MATH 354, MATH 382, MATH 232

I take the LaTeX notes in real time on my Fedora Linux Thinkpad, aided by the incredible flexibility and ergonomics of Vim and Ultisnips. I remain indebted to Gilles Castel for pioneering this incredible ecosystem that makes taking math notes and diagrams faster than hand. Currently I am using a fork of the LaTeX package ahsan.sty that I have trimmed to suit my needs. I hope to upload the package texabit.sty after I have a stable code.

The first few notes are a little bit bad because I am still learning.

MATH 354: Honors Linear Algebra
          Class 01: Covers the bare minimum basics of the first portion of the textbook.
          Class 02: Continued up to direct sums, with an introduction to induction.
          Class 03: Theorems in “Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces”. Includes my own notes.
          Class 04: Dimension of Vector Spaces, related Exercises, and intro to Mapping.
          Class 05: Some exercises on dimension, linear transformation, defined null space and injections.
          Class 06: More exercises on dimension, linear transformations etc.
          Class 07: Some more problems from the 3B. To be further edited.
          Class 08:
          Class 09:
          Class 10:
          Class 11:
          Class 12:
          Class 13:
MATH 232: Honors Multivariable Calculus
          Class 01: This was on the epsilon-delta definition of limits and what it meant to be continuous.
          Class 02: Further examples relating to epsilon-delta limit definition. Ended by N-Dim generalization.
          Class 03: Talked about sequences, and a few examples on limits on multiple dimensions.
          Class 04: Completed the proof in last class, finished with domain definition for limits.
          Class 05: A proper introduction to continuity, ends with open-closed sets.
          Class 06: Played with Open Sets, and a few proofs regarding that.
          Class 07: Intro to Differentiation, and some shoutout to Physics!
          Class 08: Derivative vectors and motivation to tangent line (showed wolfram).
          Class 09: Introduction to derivative as Linear Transformation.
          Class 10: More on derivative and turning it into Directional Derivative.
          Class 11: If partial derivatives exist, then it’s continuous.
          Class 12: Introduction to the Chain Rule.
          Class 13: Proof to Chain Rule.
          Class 14: Clairaut’s Theorem, and taking two partial derivatives.
          Class 15: Taylors Polynomials, generalized for n dimensions.
          Class 16: Primer on Quadratic Forms, and max-min for multi.
          Class 17:
          Class 18: Example on Max-Min.
          Class 19:
          Class 20:
          Class 21: Implicit Functions.
          Class 22: General Implicit Functions.
          Class 23:
          Class 24:
          Class 25:
          Class 26:
          Class 27:
          Class 28:
          Class 29:
          Class 30: Sphere’s in N-dimension.
          Class 31: Volume of the Hypersphere.
          Class 32:
          Class 33:
          Class 34:
          Class 35:
          Class 36:
          Class 37:
          Class 38:
          Class 39:
          Class 40:
MATH 382: Computational Complex Analysis
          Class 01: The basic definition of complex numbers, with some maths on series.
          Class 02: Polar definition, Hyperbolic Definition, ending with roots of complex numbers.
          Class 03: Missed Class for Friday Prayer - still edited from friends notes.
          Class 04: Showed Complex Logarithms, Differentiation and finally Cauchy Riemann equation.
          Class 05: Derivation of Cauchy-Riemann Equation(s).
          Class 06: Power series, Sequences, and their limits.
          Class 07: Further discussion regarding series and sums.
          Class 08: Revision on paths (multivariable calculus) and path independence.
          Class 09: Green’s Theorem, Path integral being zero for z, conformal map.
          Class 10: Derivation of Cauchy’s Integral Formula, Moirrer’s Theorem.
          Class 11: Theorems Review, Maximum Modulus Principle and Liouville’s Theorem.
          Class 12: Every Holomorphic function is Analytic and others.
          Class 13: Minimum and Maximum Modulus Theorem.
          Class 14: Laurent’s Theorem.
          Class 15: Using Laurent’s Theorem to move to Residue and Poles.
          Class 16: Some formulas for finding Residues. 
          Class 17: Integrals from Residue Theorem (interesting!).
          Class 18: Further calculation on integrals and some key points.
          Class 19: Working on a specific integral problem.
          Class 20: Multiplying logarithms to find residues.
          Class 21: Looking alpha over z integral.
          Class 22: Rouche’s Theorem.
          Class 23:
          Class 24:
          Class 25:
          Class 26:
          Class 27:
          Class 28:
          Class 29:
          Class 30: Riemann Manifold and Elliptic Functions.
          Class 31: Intro to Conformal Mapping.
          Class 32:
          Class 33: